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Patè di olive nere

Patè di olive nere



Buy directly from the manufacturer. No intermediary.

Limited and seasonal product.

Patè di olive nere
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Weight: 180.00g
Prezzo: 5,20 euro
Ex Tax: 5,00 euro

Hurry, limited availability

Made with love and shipped by COUNTRY CASALE RUFO
Secure payment

Siamo la famiglia Rufo e rappresentiamo quello che ad oggi è diventato ormai il nostro fiore all'occhiello, ovvero, Country Casale Rufo.
Nel giugno del 2017, per volere di Davide Rufo, un giovane di 26 anni nasce questa favolosa realtà nel territorio di Sonnino (frazione di Capocroce). L'antico casale di famiglia, circondato da un ampio uliveto, viene completamente ristrutturato ma mantenendo il suo "status" originale e prende via quella che a poco a poco diventerà una favola di successo e soddisfazioni personali e per l'azienda stessa.
Iniziamo l'attività di bed and breakfast per diversi anni ma sempre comunque con un occhio rivolto al territorio poiché Sonnino è famoso per la produzione di Olio Extra Vergine d'Oliva. Ad oggi la nostra attività è sempre in continua evoluzione e quello che fino a poco tempo fà era un sogno nel cassetto, ora è diventato realtà:
la nascita del punto Ristoro
Iniziamo quest' avventura con la passione e la determinazione di sempre, quella che ci ha sempre contraddistinto fino ad oggi. La cucina inizia ad ottenere ottimi risultati e tutto questo grazie alle mani sapienti e la caparbietà della Chef Antonella.
L'azienda, come vi dicevamo, è in continua evoluzione e siamo orgogliosi di presentarvi i nostri prodotti agricoli presenti su questo portale.
Vi garantiamo una qualità eccelsa del prodotto e, come si sà, quando c'è passione sei già a metà dell'opera.

Buona Degustazione
Country Casale Rufo


Stories of Satisfaction: What Our Customers Say

Producers and farmhouses selected to give you the best experience to be able to buy genuine products, taste traditional dishes or stay in a quiet and welcoming room.

Frequent questions

By buying directly from the source, the middlemen are eliminated, giving more power to the producer. The sale without intermediaries ensures greater economic gain, creates quality jobs in less populated areas and stimulates the agricultural activities of farmers.

Orders are shipped directly from the farmers to your door. Our logistics is oriented towards minimizing the environmental impact. How? We limit delivery days to combine multiple orders and ship as many packages in one go. Furthermore, the products do not spend time in refrigerators and do not sit still on the shelves of a supermarket.

If something doesn't go as planned, AgriCook ensures your refund. Unforeseen events are the order of the day, not only in the agricultural sector.
Current statistics show that 98% of orders arrive at their destination on the first try without a problem. The remaining 2% is sent back or refunded. As a consumer, you take no risk.

AgriCook's direct sales model brings you closer to the origin of what you bring to the table, allowing you to precisely identify the region and farm it comes from, as well as the sustainable methods used in its production. This ensures that you receive a high quality, fresh product that has not gone through intermediaries or refrigerated warehouses that alter its taste.

  • Reduction of the carbon footprint: By purchasing directly from the farmer, you avoid long transport journeys between intermediaries, warehouses and shops. This reduces the CO2 emissions associated with the transport of products.
  • Minimization of waste: Direct selling reduces the need for excess packaging often used in traditional distribution chains. Also, since farmers sell directly to consumers, there is a greater likelihood that produce will be sold and consumed, reducing food waste.
  • Strengthening the local economy: By buying directly from the farmer, the money stays within the community. This empowers small businesses and offers better job opportunities.
  • Biodiversity Preservation: Farmers who sell directly are often incentivized to grow different varieties, including traditional or native varieties, rather than limiting themselves to commercial crops. This promotes biodiversity and ecosystem resilience.
  • Promotion of sustainable agricultural practices: Farmers who sell directly to the consumer are often more responsible in their practices, as they are in direct contact with those who consume their products. This transparency can motivate them to adopt more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.