
2 fresh beets
100g of milk
100g of cream
100g of gorgonzola
1lt of broth
200g of rice
80g of butter
salt to taste lemon to taste grated cheese


Take the beets and cook them in the oven at 180 degrees for 2 hours. Once ready, let them cool and remove the skin, cut them into small pieces and with an immersion mixer and a little extra virgin olive oil, create a frothy cream. Then take a saucepan and combine the milk with the cream, add the gorgonzola and cook until you get a smooth cream, keep the cream hot until you serve it. We continue toasting the rice in a non-stick pan, add a little broth at a time and towards the end of cooking (about 15-20 minutes) add the beetroot cream, mix well so that all the rice is able to absorb it all. We turn off the heat and whisk with butter and grated cheese. We serve and at the end add the warm gorgonzola fondue. Now we can sit down and enjoy our beetroot and gorgonzola rice

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