
320 gr of paccheri
100 gr gorgonzola
200 gr cream
300 gr sausage
4 artichokes
1/2 glass of milk


Clean the artichokes, cut them thin and put them in a bowl with the juice of 1 lemon to prevent them from turning black.
Sauté them in the pan. Add the chopped sausage and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.
For the fondue
Put half a glass of milk with the cream in a saucepan and cook at low temperature.
When it starts to simmer, add the cheese and stir until it has melted.
Keep the fondue warm otherwise it will thicken.
Meanwhile, cook the paccheri al dente in plenty of salted water, then finish cooking together with the sausage and artichokes.
Serve by placing a fondue base on the bottom, pour in the pasta and finish with more fondue.

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